Linepharma International to Bring Medication Abortion Product to Japan

Linepharma International to Bring Medication Abortion Product to Japan
May 6, 2021 admin

Linepharma International, a leading provider of pharmaceuticals developed specifically for medication abortion, is pleased to confirm its intention to bring medication abortion products to Japan.

Following successful clinical trials that showed the combination of mifepristone and misoprostol to be successful in terminating a pregnancy in 120 abortion-seeking women between the ages of 18 and 45, who were in the ninth week of their pregnancy or earlier, Linepharma hopes to bring the first pharmaceutical product for medication abortion to Japan.

Patients took one 200mg tablet of Mifepristone followed two days later with four 200mcg tablets of Misoprostol.

Results showed a high rate of success amongst Japanese women, over 93%, within 24 hours.

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Tokyo, Yutaka Osuga oversaw the clinical trial and presented the results at an April conference of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Professor Osuga said the data was “either equating to or surpassing the data from overseas.” News of the clinical trial results came amid a growing need for access to sexual and reproductive health care around the world. “There has been a growing demand in Japan for abortion pills that are widely used and considered safe and effective around the world,” said Osuga.

If the drug is approved, the 156,430 Japanese women who had surgical abortion procedures in the year 2019 alone will have more options for abortion according to their own needs.

On the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines List for the termination of a developing intra-uterine pregnancy, mifepristone was first approved in France in 1988 and has since been used regularly for abortion, along with misoprostol, in over 70 countries worldwide.

If approved, Linepharma’s product will be the first medication abortion pharmaceutical product in Japan.

For more information, please contact Linepharma:

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London, WC1H 0BS
United Kingdom
+1 877 230 4227